Hulk Smash!!!
When you are the hulk, you basically fight tons of enemies tht come at you. You can make your way out without fighting sometimes, and sometimes you can't. You can pretty much hit, throw, choke, grab, and smash everything. It's very theraputic, and it kind of relieves stress they way popping bubble wrap does. Albeit after you've gone through half the game this becomes quite repetitive. But still enjoyable to a degree.
The boss bottles are pretty fun too, although some of them are not easy fights and require certain amount of strategy.
What is not fun is the Bruce Banner missions, which border on painful.
The voice acting is by Eric Bana which is the actor from the movie. So the sound/voice acting is pretty good. The graphics are also decent, although what I didnot like is the the extensive use of green everywhere. Which seems like a clever way of giving you more detail but in green so they don't have to deal with the issues resulting from having say pink, green, red , black, etc on the screen at same time.
The difficulty is pretty easy overall, except on bosses. Where it's either normal or a bit hard. The game is not that long, but after you beat it you get a complete game save that unlocks endurance modes, some other modes, and a bunch of extras.
Overall I suggest that you buy this game used, and in the bargain bin. Or rent it.