So much potential but a lack of polish. Despite it's many flaws there is still fun to be had. Lower your expectations.

User Rating: 7 | Hunted: The Demon's Forge PS3
I was looking forward to this game and had fun with it despite the many obvious flaws. If you like dark fantasy games it is still worth a play, just don't expect a AAA title like Uncharted or Gears of war.

The Good: E'lara is a fun (hot?) character, Meele, magic, and bow combat available, Two playable characters, Some nice art design and graphical moments, Some good voice acting and banter between the main characters, descent length (15 hours?) Co-op is available, Level editor available.

The Okay: Meele combat is very basic but could be much better, The story is fine.

The Bad: Some bad graphics (very inconsistent one area looks good, the next looks terrible), LOTS of glitches, Bad partner AI when playing single player, Limited enimies, Limited combat scenarios, Poorly done cutscenes (mostly, some are nice), Many other flaws.

Despite the flaws this game is fun and worth a try if you like the look of it.