A good looking game with witty dialogue and a nice mix of gears of war and fantasy. Split screen is great with a big TV

User Rating: 8 | Hunted: The Demon's Forge X360
I don't often post reviews but I feel the gamespot reviewer has been a bit harsh on this game. Myself and a friend play nearly every split screen co-op game for xbox and i'd say that this is one of the best ones so far.

Two things stand out for me in this game - one is that it is not a simple hack and slash and (at least on hard difficulty) the game is actually quite difficult, forcing you to take cover and block and keep an eye on your health, the amount of arrows you have remaining and the health of your shield. The second is that this combines a great shooter with a great hack n slash - it does not feel like one is much weaker than the other, and due to the more realistic difficulty both of you will be losing arrows / crossbow bolts before the enemies charge in at which point both characters can pull out melee weapons.

My friend and I are veterans of split screen co op and we find most of them to be very easy even on the hardest difficulty - on hard, this one is actually quite hard which increases the longevity and challenge of the game.

The graphics which are so slated in the review aren't bad at all in my opinion. Textures are smooth and the characters are finely detailed and the darkness and gory (but not over the top) violence throughout the game bring a more adult feel which is very refreshing. The game could have benefitted from time pausing/slowing down for everyone else whilst a character performs their finishing move but the moves still brang a smile to our faces.

Overall if you are looking for a decent split screen co-op game this is a great choice, just keep in mind that you will benefit from a big tv as for some reason the split screens are quite small!