If you liked the first,you´ll love the 2nd.Hours of brainless Action with a better Power-Up-System!
+Well made Graphics
+Pretty long Game (for a game like that)
+5 well balanced Characters
+Good Power-Up-System
+Much Bonus-Stuff
+4-Players possible
+Exportable Characters
+Prtty well told Story
The Bad:
-(like always) it get´s a bit confusing with 4-Players
-Controls need a bit training
First off,I really liked the first part.Much Slaying without thinking.Good for Multiplayer-Partys :-)
The Graphics are pretty good.Thw Animations are smooth and the Textures got the typical dark Style.
The Sound is good,but it could havebeen a bit more Music-Tracks.Most of the Background-Sound is dominated by silence.Music plays only while Action-Scenes.Much like ion some FPS.
The Gameplay is,of course,the most Important part of the Game.And the best.Like it should be.Those who know the first will see that the Power-Up-System has changed.Now it´s a “learning by doing”-System,which means if you use Guns,you power up your Gun-Level.Same with Melee and Magic.
That gives you the option to power-up what you prefer.
The Level-Design is ok.You have space to use tactics,and you don´t really need to search too much.That´s good if you play with some friends.
The Bonus-Stuff,like the ability to unlock some of the Monsters,keep you long before the Console,even if you play alone.
If you like Action-Games with a bit of the Gauntlet/Baldurs Gate:DA Style,you found one of the best.It´s a really good Party-Game and even alone the Game has so much to unlock that you´re motivated for quite some time.Keep a look in the Unlockables list and you know what I mean.
If you play with some friends from time to time it´s definetly worth buying.If you prefer playing alone,maybe just if you get it cheap.Maybe rent it first.
P.S. for PAL-Gamers : It´s (as far as I know) uncut.The (German) Voices are more or less acceptable,but at least contain a bit of strong language ;-)