An ok game just don't expect too much from it.
The story of Hydrophobia Prophecy fluctuates between interesting and not so interesting. You play the role of an engineer that goes by the name of Kate Wilson that unfortunately gets caught in the middle of an attack on the ship she works on which is called The Queen of the World. From there you take her on a journey through the ship. The core game can be completed anywhere from 3-6hrs but after you beat the game you open up the challenge room which is another section that's worth one of the 12 trophies.
Graphic's wise Hydrophobia Prophecy is a mixed bag. To some it may seem like an amped up PS2 game while others may see it as your average looking third person action adventure game. That being said the face of the main character and some of the aspects of the game do look like they certainly belong on the PS2 this blandness hampers the voice acting for the main character because the main character seems to lack that emotional connection which may make some feel like the voice actress is just reading her lines.
On the audio front Hydrophobia Prophecy is for the most part pretty decent. The voice actors do a pretty good job of bringing their characters to life while the main characters voice actor is hurt by the lack of emotion conveyed through her on screen character at times and almost gives the impression that the developers decided to skip doing certain aspects of lead characters animations/model.
Gameplay wise Hydrophobia Prophecy plays much like your standard run of the mill action adventure game with third person shooting and cover mechanics. However there is another aspect that needs to get taken into account and that aspect is water. Water is just about everywhere in and provides a unique dynamic to the gameplay as a whole. At the same time you're supposed to think that the main character does have Hydrophobia but it quite frankly doesn't come across as that at all. Instead you end up getting the impression that she may actually just dislike it. An interesting addition to the game is the ability to give feed back to the developers. Unfortunately this doesn't let you actually communicate what you think of their game in your own words. Instead you can only chose from a certain number of selectable choices for each aspect.
Overall Hydrophobia Prophecy is a pretty good game that's ok for a downloadable game. If you do decide to get it your best bet would be to get it while it's on sale otherwise you may just want to pass on it.