Story: (Spoiler Alert)When it comes to the story it isn't the most spectacular story ever but it isn't the worst either basically Hyrule is being attacked by an army from a women by the name of Cia we don't learn much about her until later in the game when we learn that Lana (someone who is helping you during your journey) is part of Cia, in other words Cia is kind of like her evil half, we learn that the only reason Cia is after Zelda and Hyrule is because she actually has feelings for Link, Sure this really does sound like a dumb plot point but it's very compelling do to the character development of Cia in the game, she really isn't evil but more of a sad soul that wants something she can't have, making her very identifiable, This is basically the main plot with the exception of the epilogue which I will talk about later in the review. I wanted to also mention that I really liked Lana in the game, I don't know what it is but I would definitely even like to see her in a normal Zelda game, her moves and her charm were a nice welcome to the universe.
Presentation: Hyrule Warriors will make any Zelda fan glow with joy there is so much fan service added into this game everything is literally a dream for any Zelda fans, their our a ton of stages from the series that our a joy to explore, their our so much characters even some questionable ones like Agitha? I liked her in the game, but I'm curious as to why she is in this game, their our a ton of customizable weapons from the series, the game itself is great but just all of the zelda stuff they packed into this game is truly amazing and if you ask me they made all the right calls for it too. The game itself looks amazing, and definitely makes some of the zelda landmarks just look so good. The sound track is another thing that again is done beautifully, you have to admit any Zelda song remixed most of the time is going to be great but in this game they kill it, it's more of a sped up hard rock tempo but it works perfectly when it comes to the fast paced battling in the game, and it's just really nice to hear. The presentation is perfect.
Gameplay: I'll be honest I have never played any Dynasty Warrior games, so I can't compare this game to any of them, however I will tell you my own experience with the game. First off the combat system it's not the most evolved system ever, but it works, their our really only two buttons to use combo's with and their our a lot of different combos you can do with them, however you will definitely be seeing a lot of the same attack animations over and over again, but this really isn't that terrible because the attack animations are really eye candy and help the combat not feel as repetitive as one might think, or at least I feel that way. That is one of the big complaints for the dynasty warrior series is that it is very repetitive, while I can see where people get this from, I cannot understand this complaint you can pretty much say that about almost any beat em up game, if the combat is fun and intuitive the repetitive nature can be ignored and that's just what Hyrule Warriors combat is. Basically the game is played out like a war, you want to take over special areas to advance until you finally face what is basically the general of the area and once you defeat him you are able to win the battle, this is fun but I do wish that most of these battles were a little more independent, like for example you can't just take every zone when you and what I mean by that is you are allowed to take them sure but if you waste too much time doing this the other missions in the game will punish you for not following them, because you weren't defending your bases like you are instructed too, I get it they want you to win the battle accordingly, but it's just no fun to not be able to have your own strategy of winning. Their our a lot of Zelda characters in the game and pretty much all of them are worth playing as, all our completely different and all have special attacks exclusive to them, You are also able to really choose the character you want to make the best in the game with leveling them up with money, or getting special weapons for them, and many other little features of course this isn't limited to one character, but it kind of caters to one character, because unless you are a completionist and want everyone to level up to their maximum level, you are going to be playing this game for a long time. There are a lot of boss battles to this game and to be honest their a bit to simple, their our some that our painfully obvious to beat and their our some that are a lot of fun to beat also, they aren't perfect but they aren't bad either. Their our also little parts in the game where you can stop what you are doing to go find a gold skulltulla, they have hidden item's you can get from this encounter and they are definitely worth checking out but do it quickly because they disappear quickly and something bad will happen to your team quickly. The Gameplay may feel repetitive to some but if you are able to forget that it's pretty much perfect.
(Spoiler Alert)So basically link ends up beating Cia and Lana must take her leave right? No Gannondorf is able to resurrect himself somehow and comes to take over Hyrule before you get to the final level with Gannondorf I wanted to say that there is a story that is mentioned where Link and forces lose a key area because Link was getting cocky with the power of the master sword... Really? When has that ever happened and link has never been an arrogant fighter, which makes this part feel a bit out of place. Anyways the final boss battle Is between Link and Gannondorf and Link must fight Gannon in the end the boss battle is pretty tough but a lot of fun. After defeating him, peace returns to hyrule and that's pretty much it. The story isn't the best story ever, but I don't hate it by any means it's not perfect but I have to admit it has it's moments.
Overall Hyrule Warriors is definitely one of those games that is worth a buy for the Wii U it's a great game, it's not a Zelda game but it's a game any Zelda fan can appreciate and will have fun with, and even fans that don't know the series will probably like this game I would say that this is a must buy game.