Dull and unbelievably linear
Having played for a few hours I can safely say I have never played such a linear game - there appear to be no choices in the route you take, you cannot search anything, you cannot open doors - unless the developers have decided that you can. And they very rarely have - there just isn't much to do. Most games do this to an extent but I have never come across one that does it to this degree. This is particulalry poor given the post-apocalyptic nature of the game, where there are potentially loads of things amongst the rubble to climb....you're just not allowed to. For example, on approved routes, the character can leap large gaps, climb finger width ledges and scale apartment blocks. But cannot, apparently, climb a chain link fence. There is literally _no_ flexibility in playing style at all. Things that you need to pick up are highlighted by some sort of white flare - again the devs making sure that you dont miss anything, against the white and grey background that dominates most of the game I imagine.
Other dreadful features include a horrible game save system that, when you die, forces you to go back through the tedium to predefined checkpoints.....its artificial and totally inappropriate for a climbing game where there is a bit of a risk of...eerr...falling.
If the game was more interesting, the graphics would be atmospheric, as it is they just add to the unremitting dullness. Which is a shame, because I can't help feeling that there is an interesting story trying to get out....I just cannot be bothered wasting anymore of my life trying to find out what it is.
I have to say that I played this on normal difficulty and on a PC - maybe its better if you crank up the difficulty and/or play on a console. As it is, it is an unremittingly dull console port that is singularly unsuited to the PC.
Thank goodness I only paid £4 for this....my advice is, don't even waste that much money.