Only $1 on Indie Marketplace. Yuo C@NNoT G0 Wr0N9!!!1

User Rating: 9 | I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 X360
$1 on Xbox Indie Marketplace. You really can't go wrong. Seriously, what can you buy for a dollar these days? A pack of gum, something off the McD's menu, 1 song on itunes. But pretty much no game ever worth playing. You can't even buy a decent fart application on your iphone for a dollar...(a decent fart application...isn't that an oxymoron?)

So, even in the middle of the recession, where you (or your parents) are stretching every last dollar, I recommend spending that last dollar on I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1

The 2D gameplay is sorta like Asteroids, where you are in the middle of an open screen and things you need to shoot are on all sides of you - 360 degrees. You move yourself with the left stick and point with your right stick to automatically fire. If you leave your right stick still, you don't fire.

I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 allows up to 4 people to play at a time (or so it seems), but I only played single-player, so I can't speak to what multiplayer is like.

The things you shoot: Yes, there are Z0MB1ES!!!1 as promised in the game's namesake. They swarm at you with arms raised high as Z0MB1ES!!!1 are wont to do. But on the higher levels, there are also a combination of other things floating around that you must kill such as small asteroids, green blob things that break into smaller green blob things (like big asteroids do), and long catepillars.

You find plenty of health and weapon pick-ups (faster shot, 3-shot, laser gun, flamethrower, etc) along the way to increase your firing capability and keep you alive. The flamethrower was my personal favorite...especially for killing Z0MB1ES!!!1.

And you have a shield, so it's not instant death if you run into something right away...that's why I marked the gameplay as "EASY."

You kill stuff, stay alive, and score points. The game keeps track of your high-scores at the end, too. Pretty old-school, but WAY better then Asteroids or half the other spin-offs with similar gameplay.

So, you see, nothing too crazy with the gameplay. A little old school and just simple mindless fun. It really all comes down to buying a game for $1 and getting as much enjoyment out of your $1 as you deem necessary. Will you play for 10 minutes? Will you play for an hour? Will you pick it up and play here and again as a break between bouts of Halo and Gears?

But whatever you do, do pick it up. I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 is a dollar well spent.

p.s. Off-topic...Props to whoever invented the cut-and-paste command. How else does one type I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1. Even when I cut and paste it into Xbox Live's website, it asked "did you mean I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1" and I thought, yeah, isn't that what I pasted in?