Simple and Fun gameplay, but the real gem of this game is its incredible style.

User Rating: 9 | I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 X360
The XBL Indie Game collection looks more like the type of 'games' you get for a palm pilot rather than a cutting edge home console. With adventurous game titles like "rumble Massage" or "Xbox Calculator", one can see why the vast majority skips over the Indie section.

However, the lack of the billion dollar budgets most games seem to ahve these days cannot stop creativity, as long as there is a venue for it. I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 is the shining star of the indie community.

Describing this game is a challenge. The gameplay is simple. first off, dont press any buttons. just use the joysticks for a full 360degree zombie killing fest. It takes cues from Minestorm, Gauntlet, Asteroids, Smash TV, countless other top down arena shooters. But it also has elements of Portal (humor and soundtrack), Geometry Wars, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Wonder Showzen, and something wholly different.

When you download the demo for free, you'll understand a bit more, but once you pay the $1, (80ms points) you'll get the full effect of this hilarious song coupled with the super smooth controls. If you think Zombie Apocalypse or Monster Madness are great, I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 will take it one step further. It's simplistic, almost Atari 2600 simplistic. Maybe 7800, but not 5200, you're safe.