It may not taste as good as a McChicken, but it is worthy of your dollar.

User Rating: 10 | I MAED A GAM3 W1TH Z0MB1ES!!!1 X360
While it isn't as good looking as the recent release on Xbox Live, Zombie Apocalypse, it follows the same formula and it is priced at only 80 MS points. If you like games like Smash T.V. or Robotron or whatever, then you will like this. If you just wanna get rid of your MS points because you can't buy anything because it costs too much, then buy this game. It's fun to play with a few friends locally. I'm pretty sure you can't play it online, but I'm ok with that because it's only a dollar. Plus, you get a good laugh out of the song that plays during gameplay.

Basically it's you or you and your friends vs. an onslaught of zombies. You use the left joystick to control your character and use the right joystick to fire your weapon by holding it in the direction you want to fire in. Different weapons drop across the map by destroying your enemies. You cannot go wrong with this game. Did I say it is only a dollar?