A good cheap reflex game.

User Rating: 7 | I Must Run! PSP
Bought this game for my PSP and PSP Go because it was cheap and I think you can never have enough games on a handheld. It sells for $1.49.

The gameplay is about simple as you can get, a little fellow is running across the screen jumping, dodging and smashing obstacles. Your controls are limited to jump, double ump, slide and punch.

You get a score based on how far you traveled and points you earned for destroying obstacles.

The top 10 scores are recorded but they don't assign names to who got what score.

I haven't finished it but from what I've played, its made of up of one level with different sub levels, you escape a prison, then enter a subway and then, well, I don't know, I'm not that good at it.

It's a pure reflex game and the only thing stopping you from finishing it is yourself.

In short bursts, it's great fun and for $1.49, it makes a great cheap addition to your PS3 or PSP collection.

Not sure which game came first or if they're connected, but the game plays just like a PC flash game called Canabalt and if you do a search, you can find the home page and play it for free on your PC.