To tie in with the film's release, Ice Age for the Game Boy Advance was released. It features only 10 levels with two playable characters; Manny the Mammoth and Sid the Sloth. The story isn't explained, but when you complete it and see the still image sequence, the aim of the game is to find the family of a human baby to return him safely. Manny is the main character of the game since Sid only appears in 3 levels. Manny's game type is a platforming game, collecting acorns whilst attacking/dodging enemies. Acorns are important as they represent the characters health and taking a hit loses one acorn. If you run out, you restart at the last checkpoint which appear fairly frequently. Manny can jump, attack with his tusks, body-slam the ground, and his baby companion can leap into the air to collect out of reach acorns. Manny will have to body-slam the ground to flip over harmful porcupines (which can be used as trampolines that can access the higher platforms) and also break through some rocks to reach the area below. Many levels have a walnut that can be used to attack the larger enemies, and often you have to backtrack to grab another to repeat the process. The plaforming is very basic but can be entertaining. In latter levels, there are a few areas where you can't see ahead and need to take a 'leap of faith', which can be a cheap way to lose acorns. Sid's levels are a different because the levels auto scroll and you will fail the level if he goes off screen. This happens quite often since it scrolls a bit too fast. Sid can spin attack to destroy enemies or rocks, and he will also need to grab the acorns as he progressed the levels. Although other reviewers claim the game suffers from poor collision detection; I did not notice any problems. My main frustration was that if you get hit and stumble back, quite often the enemy will be walking that way and hit you again. In Manny's levels, you can end up being pushed off the platform. In Sid's stages this will happen very frequently since you will be pushed back and the screen will move forward, resulting in cheap deaths. After an hour or so; the game will be over and you will realise that this game is nothing more than a cheap, quick cash grab.
Ice Age was a great film that anyone likes. But games are never as good as the movies. Graphics are very good, and so is sound. But gameplay... game is somehow challenging, but boring. Bosses and enemies are way too easy... Read Full Review
where do I begin with this crap of a game. lets just say if you want to play the worst handheld game of all time pick up ice age. story: based on the movie nothing more nothing less. gameplay: this game is so bad ... Read Full Review