the worst game ever made
story: based on the movie nothing more nothing less.
gameplay: this game is so bad that the gameplay can't help it. you play as manny and sid. both play very bad. in the manny levels you are jumping and avoiding enimes. in the sid levels you are running while the wall is coming trowds you. both types of gameplay just don't give you alot to do. the manny levels are the same for eatch level. and the sid levels are just boring. there are a few boss battles but they suck.
graphics: man I can't belive the graphics are this bad. as you move the background stays the same. and most of the levels are the same.
sound. poor. not alot of soundd in this one and what there is just plan sucks.
value: you can beat this game in about an hour. no I am not kidding I beat all 5 levels in one hour. there really is not reason to go back once you beat the crap that is ice age.
so overall this game is trash and you should stay far away from it.