The game ICO has recivved hype but has also fallen short of greatness, though i dont know why. I find this game to be a master peice and the graphics still knick some major ass even today. Although they are nothing compared too GoW, that is besides the point. This game is a puzzler and has a few component s of hack-in-slash in it. The combat leaves me wanting but then again that is not this games main appeal. The puzzling chalenges me to the etream and fufills me completely. It gives a great sence of scale seeing the gigantic castle surrounding you and then even beyond that seeing the vast forest meshing with the ocean. And it isn't just a brillient picture of some random castle that stays the same through out the game. It is the game it self, the castle is big and the game explores most of it and when you see a huge windmill of in the distance spinning slowly but surely you think huh...that's pretty cool. Well it is nothing compared to when you see it 5 tfeet away from you 3 levels later. And then beyond that when you see it from the other side of the castle and think of how far you've come. Then you realize that you have not come far at all for you are still trapped inside this never ending castle. It is a great feeling to acomplish any thing in this game and then right after you do that thing while thinking wow it doesn't get any harder than that you walk into the next room to find it filled with high up levers and seeled doors and ropes and chains. Then to top it all of the shadows aastart rising from the ground a make you think crap crap crap we are trapped. 30 minutes later when you are standing on the roof of the room the cycle starts again as you enter the next.
Forbidding battlements rise above a stark ravine. The stillness of the surrounding forest is broken by the sound of approaching hooves. A group of horsemen appears, masked and silent, carrying with them a struggling youn... Read Full Review
GRAPHICS For visuals of this vintage from a game released in 2001 they really standup and don't seem all that old. The art direction is absolutely fantastic and that definitely helps the game's look stand up to the tes... Read Full Review