A game unlike any other.

User Rating: 8.8 | ICO PS2
The story of Ico goes something like this. Ico, a boy born with horns is brought to a castle by some men to be imprisoned against his will as it is said that children born with horns will cause great disaster. An earthquake frees Ico and he finds a beautiful, and porcelain white girl caged atop a tower. He sets her free and together, they attempt to escape the castle.

It took me quite a while to find a copy of Ico, it's pretty rare. But as I've completed Shadow Of The Colossus, I simply could not leave this game out of my must-buy list.

In Ico, the gameplay consists of solving puzzles. It's an adventure game of course. At times you'll have to fight shadowy creatures in order to protect the girl. There isn't much combat though as that's not the main focus of the game. That explains why there's no life meter or anything. It's a simple game overall and I found it quite enjoyable.

Wow, this game looks like art. Especially the character models of Ico and the girl, they look really cool. The textures of the surroundings are really good and there's a bit of bloom I believe that gives the game a really nice look. The lighting is also superb and I think this is where games like the Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time got its influence/inspiration from.

While there isn't much music in the game, where there is, it's generally beautiful. The music that comes on when those shadowy figures are around really gives me the creeps though, it's really effective.

It's kind of hard to describe this game, but overall, it was worth it. It's one of those games that you'll fondly remember. But of course, it's not for everyone so if you're one of those types who only play action oriented games then this is probably not for you.