I've seen this available for download for $5, and for that price you can't go wrong in getting this game.
Ignition is an extremely basic, almost top-down racer, where 6 not-too-realistic cars try to get to finish line first and not get blown up on the way. Controls are simply the arrow keys, with the right shift button to use the unlimited boost, which re-charges between each usage.
There are 7 tracks, with locations ranging from the desert to the jungle. Each is well designed and features 4 to 6 hazards, which take the form of cliff-drops, train crossings, lightning among others. These are nearly always found in short cuts, adding the slightest bit of strategy to the racing. Cars usually explode - if not, are flipped and so slowed down by - upon contact with these hazards, but even with the instant re-spawn you're often passed. There are there laps, with each lasting around a minute, meaning short and snappy racing, which suits the visual and driving style perfectly.
Graphics are chunky and cartoon-inspired. They were good at the time, and are still pleasing to the eye. The explosions could be taken right out of a comic strip. The sound effects mirror this tone, but there is a definite lack of in-game music. To combat this, an in-game option allows you to listen to a CD while you race and chose tracks in the pause menu, which I prefer.
The game has championship, single race, time trial and pursuit (last man eliminated) modes. Granted, the championship won't take you long, with four difficulty modes to progress through. However, the final difficulty is 'mirror' - crucially not 'reverse' - which really takes the total track toll up to 14 , as mirrored tracks are completely different to the regular ones.
There is also a neat cheat that takes the camera down to track-level, just behind the car, changing the way you play the game.
Overall, this is a game you will dip in and out of for a long time. The best thing about it - with todays systems, it literally takes 6 seconds to boot up, and even less to quit. Just now I quit the game and was writing this review in under a minute, really adding to the 'drop in and play' style that suits the game so well.