Ignition; fast, funny, ecxiting! I discovered it again after 8 years, it made my day!
The game itself has four modes you can choose between; Championship, Single Race, Time Trial and Pursue Mode. The latter is a pretty cool mode, where the one who is in last place is eliminated (Boom!) after every lap. Championship mode features three different championships. They all have the same maps though, but for every championship (with different levels of course) you get a new car. Then there is one additional mode, where you win a special car, won't tell which though, you'll have to try it yourself!
There are about seven maps, I believe. Each and everyone is very unique and has it's own character and setting, really well-designed. Each map also features very diverse environments; in one map, you'll race through a town, pass a train, jump down a waterfall, go through foggy forests, and then see some farmland as well!
I remember in the good ol' days, when you could play this via network, however it doesn't seem to work at all in Windows XP, it even crashes on me. And the only available type of connection is IPX. However there is one alternative, which is playing with split screen. You'd have to have game controllers or two (or more) keyboards though.
The Graphics were really great when the game hit the shelves in 97. The style is really awesome, you'll love it. The sound isn't bad either, on the contrary! I just love the different sounds when you use the turbo. Hearing school children scream or a monster roar. The ambient sound is really good too, makes the already great environment feel more alive.
The game itself isn't hard to play, you'll learn quickly how steer, and use that extremely cool turbo! ;-) It took me 2 hours to complete the championship in all levels, it may seem to be a bit short; but then I already knew what you gotta do. ;-) It was really great from start to end, for those of you who had this game a long time ago, I really recommend trying it out again, you'll almost be in ecstasy. ;-) And if you haven't tried it, it is really a game you wouldn't want to miss having played!