Ikarua is a majorly underrated game. It's old school in a modern shell.

User Rating: 9.1 | Ikaruga GC
As the generations of consoles have improved the arcade scene has died( well in ireland it's dead buried and lost under pool halls and dance machines) and along the way some genres have been forgotten shooters(proper two d ones and light gun games) and beat em up's have ben left behind sure beat em up's went three d but two d is still the best way to play them and well we all should be thankful for the guilty gearseris and the developer ttreasure(please hurry with that retro compilation) and they mnade this game Ikaruga a tough as nails shooter that plays traditionally but ads so much to the genre such as the absorbing off enemy fire(used in psyvariar) and the dark and light energy. Set over five levels it's short but the replay factor is high, i will bow to anyone that one continues this game. of this generation of consoles this is the best shoot em up availible, sure R-type Final and Gradius V, are good but ikaruga just plays with a certain class and style they lack, Gradius V is made by tresure but their logo's are lacking from the actual game, but not the manual.
In conclusion if you like a challange try this if not enjoy lego star wars.