Best WW2 era combat sim made to date.
I have been flying flight sims for some 20+ years now. I have experienced both good and bad flight sims. Ones that have been released with much hype and hope for the community, yet fall immediately into a flat spin. Then ones that sneak in and transform the genre.
The IL2 series has most certainly transformed the genre and has set a tremendously high benchmark for others to try to achieve. I can recall trying this new WW2 sim or that only to be disapointed and to go abck to the old games. The IL2 series was the one hat caught on, got us and has kept us for so many years.
For someone new to the series, the learning curve can be a bit steep. However there are a numerous player sites and gaming lobbies with people to help.
The graphics and online gameplay are what make this game a legend. You can adjust the graphics based on your conenction speed and can enjoy lagfree gaming.
Another unique characteristic is that the developer of the game continues to be involved with it and improves it.
The game is a steal for the price. I look forward to more releases and projects from Oleg. I only wish that other gaem developers would learn from his example.