Going out with a BANG!!!
Unlike PE-2 before it, installation of this baby is a breeze. Some folks with ancient DVD players had to flash thier firmware in order for thier machines to recognize the game disk and open it., but these complaints seemed few and far between
Anyone's who's familiar with any of the other iterations of the game willl have no problem with this version. There are litterally hundreds of flyable aircraft and tons of off-line campagins to ply and fly. The biggest featuresof this DVD are the combination of all the previous games that came before it from "Forgotten Battlles" to" Pacific Fighters" and all the patches and updates that came before and after it on one handy disk. If you've followed the series from the start you have disks and patches out the ying yang. With this DVD, you can sell the others, or pack them away and run from one place. The only true "new" content on this disk, and the real reason I bought it, was the inclusion of the "1946" or "What If" planeset and campaigns. "What if", Htler had been assassinated in 1944 and other's had taken over. Diplomacy might have led to a lengthing of the main war into the year 1946. The skies of Europe would then be filled with jets and exotic jet prop hybrid craft. Primative guided missles would be present and a whole new air war begun. New variants of the Me 262, and jet powered Yaks and Migs, give one plenty of new steeds to fly. Including the amazing VTO:L "Lerch" which can take off and land vertically and carries guided missles to boot.
Sound and Controls
Nothing's changed on either of these two fronts.
For $39.00 you can't go wrong. This iteration offers so much "bang for the buck" you just can't pass it up. Not an easy game to master and you can't fly it with a keyboard but these are small quibbles. A must have for any Combat Flight Sim junkie and a perfect ribbon to tie up the series with
Da Worfster