Still waiting for an ATF-like game on the xbox 360, a real flight simulator for real joysticks...
As IL Sturmovic was a game on PC I was hoping finding something of that game in this new release. As I played the tutorial and a few missions I still could't get how easy this game was. The controls where somewhat strange as a lot of people don't know the real flightsticks from the 90' anymore. Those hypes of hardware are over and are waiting for a comeback.
As the developers nowadays are less interested in creating realism games this title has the handicap of the commercial releases of flight sims. Still, if you like titles from today's developers this could be something for you. You can feel they did an effort to create a beautiful game with a good modal gameplay so everyone can start playing this game.
As a fan of real flight simulators I don't think this game has the guts to go all the way. If you don't request that quality of a simulator this game is just plain fun for everyone for a few hours...