Simply one of the best flight simulation / aerial combat games on the market.
Set in the 'olden days' you won't find any modern planes in this game, it is set entirely in the WW1 / WW2 and post WW2 era but don't let that put you off, there is so much that this game has to offer.
This game was the reason that I bought a Saitek X52 throttle and stick and a TrackIR system, just to be able to get that extra edge when playing against friends.
And that is the best bit about this game, the online play. You can get together with your friends and fly either with them or against them over the internet or LAN.
This is the best part of the game, some of the dog fights you get into are just so intense and frustrating and rewarding that you can't help but wanting to keep playing.
So if you are looking for a flight sim game that not only looks great but is authentic and realistic and also good fun to play then this may be the game for you.