A pure classic that will always be "in the shadows." I wish Nintendo would put this on VC.
User Rating: 10 | Illusion of Gaia SNES
Illusion of Gaia was made in 1994. When I played it as a kid, it was Hard! I couldn't get past the first boss. Now I played it again and I went through it with not much of a problem. It IS like a Zelda game (The sense of a Action/Adventure combined with a RPG game). It is LOADS of fun if you have a sense of classic gaming on your mind. You will find that some of the places are really based on REAL places. Like the Great Wall of China. And It is supposed to be in the discovery age. It is a sequel to Soul Blazer. But in very little terms. So if you played Soul Blazer and wondering "Where is the Sequel?" Go through ALL of the game to find it. To sum this up: This is a great game that any RPG fan or classic gamer will like because of the gameplay, graphics, and creativity the creators put into it.