This game was truely one of the best RPG's I have ever played, its been over ten years since I played this game but I remember the story, gameplay, sound and locations like it was yesterday. I urge all of you who, like me, have your SNES's still with you from the good old days (the days when a console didn't break after 3 years SNES is still going fine), get them out, find a game store with the old games in the glass cabinets and see if you can pick this up. I won't go into the story as many other reviews have done (start as a boy called Will etc etc). This game is that good that now...I have come and reviewed it even over 10 years after its release, I also recently got my SNES out, with this game (still got them all) and played it for hours and hours, its just brilliant. This game, if possible should be definitely brought to the newer handhelds like the DS and PSP...possibly with a few improvements graphics and sound wise...but never change the game...its perfect. This is what RPG developers now should look back on and take a few tips from, RPG's these days are still damn good of course, the new FF's (XII comes out on friday for me (Europe) so i'm hoping thats gonna be good)), Elder Scrolls and the SW: KOTOR series, as well as Mass Effect for the 360 coming soon, but they need to make sure they keep the same magic and RPG fantasy that existed in this beautiful game.
Not that many rpg fans have ever herd or played illusion of gaia or illusion of time as it is known in europe, but it is a real classic. it is a great game with many great features however the first time i finished the g... Read Full Review
I can never be quite sure what originally brought me to playing this game. It probably was due to the close relationship Squaresoft and Enix had at the time, which naturally made me keen on Enix titles as well. Suffic... Read Full Review