A game you would want to think about before buying
One thing is that the babies cry NON-STOP! (Though in real life that sometimes happens) I try my best, I entertain him/her, take some time to know them, give them what they need, and guess what I get for all my work? "How dare you! I expect better service from you!" "Oh my gosh, my child looks terrible! You should really watch what you're doing!" The parents are nothing but ranters. They just complain, complain, and complain. And the stork just nags about what's wrong with the child. (I like the stork for the most part, but that's the only thing that's annoys me about him. I also think that that the name instert is difficult. All this is why I marked the difficulty as "hard" even though it's not that difficult to me.
Other than that, you can play mini games such as washing the dishes, cleaning the house, and gardening. Another thing I noticed is that you don't have to change the diapers. You can in the bathroom, but you don't have to. (Lacking reality)
Overall: There are better things to do than this game, but if you really want it, think about it overnight.