A Fantastically Fun Game.

User Rating: 10 | Immortal Cities: Children of the Nile PC
This game is one of the best games that has came out since Pharo! I believe that this game even beats Pharo hands down. The graphix are great and I love the game play. The on;y thing that I wish is that someone would make a game like this for the PS2 or for the upcomming PS3, now that would be a great game! I can't think of one thing that I would change about this game. It is fun for just about all ages!! Also this game is very addictave. When Pharo came out I guess I played it for over 200 hours. With this game I know I have played it for well over 500 hours. So if these games are your type of thing then prepare to get complealy emersed and ready to play for hours on end!!!