Best game of all times.

User Rating: 9.6 | Imperialism PC
One of the best strategy games ever made, Imperialism is the rare turn-based game that strikes a near-perfect balance between economics, diplomacy, and military action set in a fictitious 19th century world. As in the real world, success depends on the ability to manage the economics -- you cant drive a war machine for long without a robust economy under the hood. Different natural resources -- foodstuffs, iron, coal, timber and cotton -- are essential for fueling the empire, for creating the trade goods, and arms necessary for Military. Extracting these resources and maximizing your production is as involving and as challenging as anything this side of Capitalism; and while that may not be everyones cup of tea, Imperialism treats its subject with such care and detail that hard-core strategy gamers cant help but be delighted.

Before judging sounds and graphics; consider how old the game is, (1997) and you will say its definitely a revolutionary piece of game precious from head to toe .

The best thing is, the game is abandonware now, meaning you can have it free as her creators abandoned it and its sold nowhere execpt some old used game dealers.

The worst thing is, there is only 1 patch released for this diamond which resolves 95% of bugs and game flaws yet there is still bugs (remember 5%) and can be frustrating sometimes.

I'll try to resolve the game into pros and cons as usual;

+ Superb game structure and interface. Does not bog you down with micromanagement.
+ Excellent balanced values and gameplay. Offers Comprehensive industry model with plain controls.
+ Clearly gives the feeling of the "struggle for power" era. Also simulates the exact notion of Minor nations and major nation roles at that time (as well as current time) by means of understanding the history.
+ Fantastic replay value. As there are tons of maps, scenarios and fan made mods over internet.
+ "One more turn... one more turn" kind of addiction.

-Outdated graphics and sounds.
-Game music requires original CD.
-No more Patches released after v1.1 and there is still bugs left to handle.

It is a must have, a masterpiece for the fans of this genre. Also let me mention that "Imperialism-1" is definitely better than its sequel "Imperialism-2". The closest in satisfaction is Europa Universalis and and for sci-fi "Master of Orion-2"