A good idea gone bad; Imperium Romanum's old fashion building and lack of stability keeps the game far from potential.

User Rating: 5 | Imperium Romanum PC
Imperium Romanum's lazy, old fashioned base building, the lack of entertaining combat, as well as the massive stability issues makes this game a yawner.

At launch state, Imperium Romanum contains serious stability issues. It's nearly impossible to go through a scenario without some kind of random screen-lock or crash. Once you get around the kinks in the bugs department, you will see something you have already seen a dozen times before. There is no actual campaign, just a weird timeline where you proceed through events in history. History is where the game skimps too much, something that should not be done with a game designed around the Roman Empire. There is just not enough character, Roman elements, atmosphere or soul to drive this airy RTS.

Gameplay doesn't provide anything you haven't already experienced in past games. The whole system is very basic, you gather your meats, stone, timber and so forth. The combat is also very lacking, as you occasionally send squads of soldiers, archers, and cavalry to raid barbarian villages. Nothing particularly exciting.

In the end, Imperium Romanum is brainless, boring and broken. It may get some of the very core basics right, but together with the technical issues and the mundane action, Imperium Romanum leaves very little to be enjoyed.