Imperium Romanum is a Rome city building style game that surpasses ceaser 3 and 4.
Missions: Build your city,make its economy stable and destrory the barbarias.
Controls: Mouse and Keyboard
Features: Fun battles,lots of buildings
A.I.: very smart each villiage has its own commander that has its own fighting style and tottaly learns your every move.
Loading Times: short, usually around 30 seconds when loading into the diffrent scenarios and maps.
Graphics: Not bad. Some of the best graphics for a civ type game ive seen. very detaiedl buidlngs and enviroments. each citzen has a diffrent face. even the soldiers swords are detailed down to the handle.
Audio: Amazing. Each civilian has a voice actor of its own. the sounds
Multiplayer: None at all.
Requirements: PC,mouse and keyboard.
The Good: everything about this game is good. its outstanding.
The Bad: lots of glitches. but what game does not have them when they are new?
The Ugly:Nothing
Replay Ability: Low
The Bottom Line:The best roman simulation game on the market