No-good 2D Platformer

User Rating: 3 | Incantation SNES
Okay, you control a generic wizard (apprentice?), fight generic fantasy enemies, run through generic levels ... all in all, you play a generic game which does only offer two things - boredom and annoyance.

Graphics & Sounds / Music are ok, however the game seriously lacks in everything that makes a good game, things like originality, exciting boss battles, a charismatic main character...

The only things you do are 1) collecting coins and crops in order to advance to the next level (the programmers pumped every level full with those damn coins) and 2) trying to keep your sanity when moving through those dammit stages.

They aren't like normal Platformer stages. You teleport around between different parts of the stage, which sucks completely; more often than not you trigger the teleport devices by mistake, meaning that you'll be teleported way back in the stage if you've bad luck. Yeah, true fun indeed!

Of course you'll always be facing your good ol' generic enemies (like bats, whew!), hoping to reach the damn exit soon to advance to the next lousy stage.

Not only does the level design suck, also the difficulty is a little too high and you can't even customize it if I remember correctly, so the game is not even good for a quick playthrough session.

There are far better platformers out there. This game can't compete with them, hence I gave it the score it deserves. You should try other platformers than this one, because this title is extremely boring to play and can only satisfy you for a few minutes (most likely it can't even do THAT).