One of the best adventure games ever, period
The version I had came with voice acting so that is the one I am reviewing.
I found just the into to the game with Indy falling through floors in an old libary fantastic. It sat the right mood for the game at once - funny, exciting and mystical - just like watching the real thing on screen. Also, both the hat and the whip was present, man. Rather quickly our hero gets an mouthy little helper by the name of Sophia and the real adventure then starts.
This was, as stated, my first gaming experience on a PC so the whole gameplay thing was a little tricky to grasp at first. It was lucky that there were two of us playing. One tends to see what the other is missing, you know. But some of the puzzles was really hard. We could be stuck for over a week sometimes. Back then there was no walkthrough to read if you got stuck. Almost no one to ask in real person, either. And for us, internet was just a dream back then.
One funny thing is that the first time I heard that there were multiple ways to choose to play this game was when I played through it again, in DOS Box, a while back. When we did this back then, we had no manual available, so this fact completely went over our heads. We choosed to take Sophia along, btw. So my second playthrough was almost like playing a different game.
I can't recommend this enough. If you like the old point and click and by some reason missed out on this - lucky you.
One of the best games I ever had the pleasure to play. Really deserves to be called a classic.