This game is like playing a classic Indiana Jones movie! Its destructive and ingeneous, with good graphics.
User Rating: 9 | Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings WII
This game is like playing a classic Indiana Jones movie, with everything that made the movies spectacular and more. A little sensitive, but its not much of a downside, since thats similar with most wii games. It adds multiple different modes, and adds difficulty by having designated shooting zones, rather than shooting throughout. It has the adventure and ingeneous scenes that similar games lack. Gamestop was dead wrong when they rated this game. Anyone who thinks the game was bad needs to learn how Indy rolls and stop whining about how they cant use a gun. indy cool cause he can use things other than a gun to kill people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
( im doing this to get the minimal amount of characters! :P yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)