Indiana Jones did well in theaters, and it does well at home too. Whips, sequences, and the best moments come together.
Now, everyone who has seen the movies will instantly recognize the gameplay. You act out the roles in each of the best scenes from each of the Indy movies. You obviously play as Indy himself, and you get to use his whip, you can use his fists, and even a few other things around the area. As Indy, you must fight the evil oppressions and prevail unscathed. Well, not entirely unscathed, but try to come back in one piece.
Now, what I liked about the gameplay was the freedom. You could do a lot, any way you wanted to. Of course, it's nothing compared to modern day installments, but for it's time it was pretty darn spiffy. I enjoyed the scenes from the movies and the actions I could execute. I also enjoyed some of the humour that was also in the movie that the scene belonged to. Graphics were alright, and music wasn't bad. Of course, who can get tired of the Indiana Jones Theme, eh?
Anyways, overall this game was pretty solid. It was short however, since there was no real plot or story line to follow. You just played various sequences and you were done. They were enjoyable however, so it wasn't a total flop. I enjoyed the game, but it isn't something I'd be a hardcore fan of.
Indy makes a great appearance on this system, and it's too bad he didn't make another until recently. Either way, he brought us a good game, at least in the short run. Sorry folks, but there isn't much replay value here. I'd recommend this game to all Indy fans, but if you're looking for something that will last you the summer or something that will keep you coming back for more, look into Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures. This won't cut ti for those that want a game for a long haul.