I wish there were more games like this one out there....
First of all i have to say that i am a big movie and video game fan and what's better than a movie or a video game?: the two of them combined.... When a game tries and succeeds in delivering a great thriller story in a cinematic way, then the difference between the two is so blurred that you get an interactive movie or a game that you "watch" and play with great pleasure.... and this game does exactly that!!!
Mysterious murders, strange visions and a thriller story you will want to play through in just one day.... Fahrenheit takes the story of an ordinary man who comes across something extraordinary, that will change his life (and several others) for ever.... Through out the game the story unravels in a way that will keep you at the edge of your seat (or more likely stuck in front of the screen).... In this game you will take control of 3 different MAIN characters, two of them are cops and the other one is the main hero...
Well here are the facts:
- Great storytelling (and story overall)
- You make decisions that matter and play a big role in the outcome
- Control 3 different characters (some of them starting in opposing sides) => one story, different points of view
- Cinematic scenes (interactive) make you feel like you are really part of the game
- Characters that you will sympathize and "bond" with (which WILL affect your decisions)
- Action, fun, chills and adventure are combined perfectly!!
- Impressive voice-overs and nice soundtrack
- Nice atmosphere
- Controls will need at least 30 mins to get the hang of them and seem broken at times
- Camera is annoying and doesn't help sometimes
- Very short (i finished it in about 7 hours)
* Graphics: nothing special but nothing bad either (won't disappoint)
Overall it was a great experience that i think i will never forget.... My only complain is that now that i finished it i don't have a similar game to play (i don't own a PS3 to play Heavy Rain) and i hope in the future more developers will try to make this kind of games. This game is the a genre-defining one that should not be missed by any video game or movie fan....