A game with marverous storytelling and nice controls
Indigo Prophecy is basically a choose your own adventure book. Choices is the name of the game through out the game you will have almost total control of what happens, you want to take pills for you headache, play guitar or even drink yourself to death . The Story: The story which in my option is the best thing about this game.
The story is about a man named lucas kane. He was eating in a dinner one night when he was possessed and forced to kill a man. The rest of the game is lucas trying to evade the cops and try to find out who did this to him.
But to give you another angle you also play as the two cops after lucas.
So through the game your thinking "I hope I don't catch myself in a lie that I told myself to throw myself off my trail" The story telling in this game is so great I'm going to have to make up a word right now to describe it and that word is marvelastic. The game is told through sort of a film nawar, sin city type of way. The voice acting is great plain and simply. The controls: the whole game to fighting a guy to drinking milk is controlled by the analog sticks. For example you walk up to the the sink in the bathroom and push the analog stick up to look in the mirror or push it to the right to wah your hands. The action sequences are what boils down to a game of simon says with the analog
The graphics: Oh this where the game takes a nosedive the game looks like a frist generation ps2 game Well if you love story this is a great game but if you need the flashy grapics and pretty colors you may not like this one