Remember those old school games you still love? Those games that developers knew they had not the tools to woe you with Star Wars'-like effects, but with wit, humor, and even, dare I say- plot???? This game, even with the Xboxes limitation, is simply superb, you could almost think of buying this game as buying a ten hour movie that you can watch and immerse yourself in several times.... So what better way to prove something than with math, not opinions! Why spend the forty dollars on this game, you say? 10-20 hours worth of movies at the theatres......12 dollars (popcorn and stuff) times 5-10 tickets= 60-120 bucks Case and point: One game 40 dollars.... for EASILY 10 hours worth of enjoyment... ahhh pricele--- I won't say it. But you know what's priceless? Not having to buy another ticket for that loved one as well!!! For she will surely immerse herself just as deeply in the plot as you! Did I mention the superb music and gameplay? While the camera can be a minor annoyance, I'll take that into account with the Graphics section as I would hate to sully a perfect ten for gameplay. Good luck and enjoy!
Lucas Kane was just your average working class citizen. He owns a small apartment in New York City, he works in an office building, and from time to time, he plays some tunes on his guitar. Pretty normal, right? Well ... Read Full Review
It wasn't very long back in gaming history when adventure gaming was at its peak. Point-and-click adventures thrived and people appreciated complex, likeable characters with a story-oriented gameplay with elements of puz... Read Full Review