Heart-pumping fun!

User Rating: 9.6 | Indigo Prophecy PS2
After playing the game for the better part of a day, all I can say is this game grabs you by the throat and shakes you.... VIOLENTLY. Knowing that you are not technically responsible for the murder, but having to control the detectives as well is a nice twist. You get to watch their reactions to your actions. If you clean the crime scene, or just run like hell, the police will have vastly different reactions. The stress of having the waitress stop me, just as i was opening the door to leave was the first in a long series of "Holy crap, I'm screwed!" moments. All these paranoid thoughts run through your head, the vibrate function on the controller starts beating like a heart (THUMP-thump...........THUMP-thump), steadily beating faster and faster (Thump-Thump..Thump-Thump) until you either turn around and politely ask "Yes?" or boot it... all up to you. The music keeps the mood tense, and always on your guard. My g/f and I almost crapped our collective pants shortly after wrapping Lucas's hands... but i digress, i don't want to ruin it for you:) The game plays like an interactive DVD, down to the play and stop buttons when you pause, allowing you to replay chapters, and in a cool feature, lets you have total control. If you pick up cup of coffee, you can quickly bring it to your mug and gulp, or you can hold the cup for a dramatic pause, slowly raise it to your lips, stop, change your mind and put it down. It's all up to you. This makes it just as fun to watch as it is to play (or so I'm told:) )

The long short of this is, if you want a heart pounding murder mystery that lets you exhibit total control, down to your mental health, then buy this game. As a side note, it's the first one player game that's fun for multipule people... you can collectivly decide what to do, and one person operates it. In all resepects, it's an interactive movie. Period. Even if you don't think you'll like it, buy it anyway and dream of what it could be like on the next-Gen consoles :)