Starts well, then declines into mediocraty

User Rating: 5.5 | Indigo Prophecy XBOX

Graphics: 6
The graphics aren't all that good, but the animations are fairly solid. The few fights are fairly well animated and entertaining to watch.

Sound: 9
The instrumental soundtrack is pretty good, and it tends to fit pretty well, and there are some pretty good songs provided by Theory of a deadman, Bobby Byrd, Teddy pendergrass, Society's Bag, which are all pretty good, and tend to fit well with the scenes they play in. The voice acting is excellent in this game, as are the sound effects, which tend to be basic things, such as putting a bottle on a counter, but still sound realistic.

Gameplay: 9
The main gameplay aspects are made up of little minigames, such as one that is like simon, one that forces yo to alternate between the triggers as fast as possible, and one where you need to alternate the triggers to keep a marker in the middle of a bar. The game plays like an interactive movie, which tends to be quite good, but at times you focus more on the mini-game than on what is actually happening. The story is played from four perspectives; Lucas Kane, an average man who blacks out and kills a stranger in a diner, and tries to find out what caused him to do it, Carla Valenti and Tyler Miles, two cops investigating the murder, and Marcus Kane, Lucas' brother who tries to help Lucas. The first two thirdsof the story are very good, but i find it gets significantly worse after that. If i were to give the story it's own score it would be a 4. The biggest complaint i had with the game is that i beat it in less than five hours.