In spite of some minor annoyances, this story-driven game is great - if shortlived - entertainment
To many, Half-Life is the obvious choice when asked to name a game with a great story. But in Indigo Prophecy (IP), the story is a far more integrated part of the game. Furthermore, there's more depth and character development in this game than practically any other game out there. Although, to be honest, that's not really saying much.
Most dialogue-driven aventure games leave you plenty of room for trial and error by allowing you to restart conversation or making you repeat it until you chose the "right" combination. Here, asking one question in many cases mean losing the chance of asking another. Interestingly, you often feel disappointed about not being able to get all the answers you need - as opposed to other games, where conversations are a nuisance that you want to get over with as quickly as possible. This is yet again due to the excellent story-writing in IP, combined with nice voice acting.
In IP, the action-part is mostly based on controller-responses slightly reminiscent of DDR, combined with some fast-paced button-mashing. To a great extend, this works surprisingly well, as it helps build tension. However, in a few cases (hint: fence-climbing) it becomes rather bother-some. Furthermore, at times it takes away too much focus from the story.
All in all, a great game. Depending on your standards for replay-value, you may find it a bit short, but do yourself the favour of giving it a shot. You may - like me - find yourself watching the end credits at the end.