This is a good movie/game. A must rent.

User Rating: 7.9 | Indigo Prophecy XBOX
I always like a game that has a good story, a game that I can get into easily. This is one of those types of games. Indigo Prophecy is an extremely easy game and can be gone through in less than eight hours of play, but the story is what its all about. The gameplay gets repetative and at times seems just pointless to do certain things, but you keep playing to continue the story and its never hard. The story does start to go crazy towards the end though. With three different endings, it does give you some reason to redo a few of the chapters to see them all. I think anybody that likes a good murder mystery, even if they don't play games that much, to check this out. This is a must rent, but much too short and not enough replay value to buy. I think that a next gen sequal would be very interesting........