Something new and refreshing, but not for everyone. Though nonetheless one of the best games I have played in a while.
Back to the actual review, this game is more like a movie that lets you have you control and it pulls it off magnificently. The voice acting and atmosphere are of very high quality and because this is such a cinematic game, basically a movie first and then a game, this is such an essential part. The graphics are okay, but they really don’t take anything away from the game, though the animations are nice and smooth. If the graphics were better it could help a little, just to add little subtleties here and there.
The story gets you immersed highly into the game and even though there are parts that are quite “out there” and things that aren’t really explained as much as they could be, it’s never too much to take you away from the story. Since you can choose the kind of person you are and every action you take has a consequence, you always think about the decisions you make and what might come because of them. This is the reason that playing through the game more than once will be worthwhile. Also the game is quite short so this also helps with the replayability. I have to say that even though the game has multiple endings, none of them seem to give you what you really want in the end. This is in no way a reason not to play through the game though, the story just lacks a little in the second part.
As far as the gameplay is concerned, the controls are pretty basic and simple. As simple as the controls may be the gameplay never gets old or boring and it also gets quite suspenseful at times, which keeps you on the edge of your seat. The only levels that seem a little out of place are the few stealth missions. They aren’t terrible, but there’s just something about them that seems out of place. Also the camera can be quite problematic at times, though most of the time it’s not too important except for a few moments where the camera is essential.
Well this will conclude my first ever review. I know it’s nothing special, but I just thought I would give my thoughts. I have to say that for me, this is one of the best games I have played in a long time. This is also one of the most innovative games I have played in a while and I am happy to see that it has been getting recognition. Like I said right off the bat though, this game will not please everyone. You have to enjoy cinematic and story-driven games and you can’t expect the deepest controls or gameplay aspects. If you’re willing to try something new and refreshing and our open-minded, then you will be robbing yourself of a great experience if you do not give this game a chance. Well I hope that this has given you an idea about what to expect.