Watching a simple movie and pressing buttons like a madman
The graphic isn't too good, faces are made very professional with mimics, moving eyes, eyebrows and lips but the rest looks like taken from quake 2-engine.
If you aren't moving the leading characters (three!) around you have to hack your keyboard like a mad to survive little actions - like in the time of C64-olympics where you were rattling your joystick like crazy. Thats just stupid. And whilst trying to watch the "really good" action scenes you have to press coloured buttons (like this senso game) so fast that your're missing all the stuff.
You aren't able to make savegames. Just automatic savepoints. And if you forget to turn autosave on you can start everything from be beginning the next time you like to play. Just great!
I was very unfortunate to play the european version because of several sex-scenes within the game (those were deletet for the us-market). And moving your mouse rythmically to the nude persons in bed is nothing more than disgusting. If I want to watch something like that I'm going to rent a videotape - but in games? God no, thats just adds more to the bad taste of the developers. What were there thinking whils creating this game? I mean, were they thinking at all?? I don't think so.
They tried to make the ultimate and very special adventure. But this game ist nothing more than a desaster!!!!