The story is told really well in this game.
Gameplay- Indigo prophecy doesnt have actual gameplay, its just kind of a point and click adventure. You keep your character sane by doing things they like around their surroundings. If you dont, theyll go crazy. This game is based on puzzles mostly. The parts that shine in the game are the ingame cutscenes that make you press your analogs sticks in different directions to correspond with the action.
Graphics-Indigos graphics arent really well done, but they arent bad. The characters faces are bland and cheap looking, but the environments are pretty appropriate. The atmosphere in the game overpowers its flaw in graphics.
Sound- Indigo prophecy has really great voice acting. Each character sounds great for their part. The music soundtrack in indigo prophecy is perfect, with jazz, rock, and smooth music in certain events. Truly the sound in indigo prophecy is amazing.
overall, indigo prophecy is a great game, and a great story. This game isnt for hardcore gamers, but for patient gamers who like stories. Indigo prophecy is a type of game that doesnt come out often, so you shouldnt miss it.