the most interactive game ive played, saddly to short

User Rating: 9.8 | Indigo Prophecy PS2
you have been proseseed into killing a man you dont even know in the barthroom of a dinner when you awake you just find yourself with the murder weapen standing over the dead man you have no idear what just happend (great grahics!) then you take control now do you choise to run away while leaving you murder weapen with your prints on it, do you hide the body? do you clean the blood from the floor do you even stop to clean the blood from your hands this is just the begeing my friend :) if you dont do this the fbi will most likely find you and noones gona beleave you wre prosessed, right?.......

though this game is rather short and can be completed in about 5-6 days tops, its worth playing as it turely is revolutionary with its controls as you watch the moives you somtimes need to save yourshelf like doge ememies with the ps2 controler the only other game were i have seen this is in the new restdent evil 4 and doesnt really show up as much as in indigo prophecy. the stroy is the most addicve i have ever played and with diffrent endings depending on your actins you can play this game over and over and not get borad, sweet!