If you like movies and video games, this game is a must play.
There is lots of different things you can do in the game. It is not just about explorer and good old adventure. You have to do just about everything. There is an interesting control scheme for doing every day task, like climing a fense, lighting candles, opening doors etc. When you are by something you can do, like a fense, an icon shows up, and it flashes the right analogue stick movement you must make to do the task. You must do it as it appears. To cliimb the fense you must move the analogue stick left then roll around to the top, like throwing a fire ball in street fighter. You have to do this in the short time alloted.
A mini game shows up through out the game, to futher the story plot. You see a digram for both analogue sticks. 4 direction for each one, making 8 total. You have to tap in the direction you see it light up on the screen, you must do this rather quicly. Lots of times left on the left analogue stick and left on the right analogue stick will flash, you have to push both analogue sticks in that direction, then it might flash right analogue stick up, left down, right left, and you must do it as you see it. Sometimes it throws a curve ball and flashing at the same time right analogue stick down, left analogue stick up. It is much harder than it sounds.
My favorite part about the game was the logic situations, we all know how I love those. You are in a room, there is a dead body on the ground, you are not sure if you killed him, but no one else is there. You see a cop is comingto the bathroom, you have blood on your hands, blood on the ground what do you do. You can actually choose what to do. You must washt he blood off your hands, you can drag the body to a bathroom stall, mop up the blood and hide the knife. Or you can wash your hands and leave the bathroom before the cop gets there.
You also choose the dialogue and this effets the story. You get a limited amount of time to choose what to say. Actually, it is stressful, it goes by so fast you sometimes cannot read everything to choose. There are lots of tense situations where you have a limited amount of time to figure out what to do.
To be honest I did not think I would enjoy the game, but I really did, especially the story and acting, well done, great game.
Short game, rent it.