inFamous tells a great story wit good mechanics, but is set back by minor issues

User Rating: 7 | inFamous 2 PS3

inFamous takes place right after the first game and Cole finds himself over powered by a force he can't defeat. He has to retreat and get more power in order to take down this new source of evil. During the game you have to help the city with kind acts and restore order to it, or be selfish and do whatever it takes to get what you want.

The gameplay is tight, but does have camera issues and not always been able to detect where you want to go when you are jumping or what to climb on the enviroment. It therefore feels clumsy to control at times and does not always do what you want. It can be very annoying when you are in a pinch and the game does not let you play the way you actually want it when you have to. When you are being overpowered by several enemies and you rely on the controls to do the job for you and use the enviroment, and what you get is either death or just frustration. When the gameplay mechanics work, they are really fun to play with. With great power ups and variation to

Gameplay - 8

Story - 8

Graphics - 6

Audio - 8

Value - 7

Tilt - 7

Overall - 7.3