Before I got the game I read the review on this website and was disappointed by the score it got. I was worried that one of my favorite games would have a disappointing sequel. Boy was gamespot wrong. The game's graphics are leaps and bounds forward from the first game. New Marais looks beautiful. It is full of vibrant colors great scenery. Not only does the city look great but so does Cole.He looks more life like than the original. I did however at first miss the voice of the first Cole but I soon forgot about it in light of the phenomenal voice acting in this one. Cole not only has great voice acting but so do all the other characters. Not only do the characters have great voice acting but they are very deep. I have no idea why in the world Tom Mc Shea would say that they are shallow. Nicks has a backstory that will pull at your heart strings and you will feel sorry for Kuo and understand why she wants to rid herself of her powers. Not only are Nicks and Kuo 3 demential characters, but the unresolved tention between Cole and Zeke is explored more. The story is very good. Not the best I have seen but it is still very solid. The game does not throw "boss like creatures" into every battle. Each beast has a weakness and when you discover these weaknesses you will be able to take them down very fast. You DO NOT spend the whole game in black and white. While the screen does go black and white when you are near death you simply have to suck electricity from the hundreds of power sources surrounding you and the screen will go back to normal. The only way it is possible to spend the whole game in black and white is to suck terribly (sorry Tom but its true). My biggest complaint is that sucker punch claimed that you would be starting the game with all the powers that you gained in the first. This is not true. In fact that last power that you get in the first game is the same last power that you get in the second game. Takeing that aside this is another amazing exclusive title for sony and sucker punch should take pride in what they made. DO NOT LISTEN TO GAMESPOT! THIS IS AN AMAZING GAME!!
Right off the bat, inFamous 2 is an amazing game, and if you liked inFamous at all, you should play the newest iteration. I'm going to delve a little deeper into why this game is better than the first, and why I don't un... Read Full Review
Infamous 2 DOES suffer from slight issues which were present in the original but nothing which would detract from the overall experience one bit! In short, the game looks superb: 1. Movement and plat-forming is more fl... Read Full Review