Don't listen to the critics, this is a good game.

User Rating: 10 | inFamous 2 PS3
This game improves over the first in the serious tremendously. I love the new powers, and new moves, and enemies as well. This is a definite buy for anyone looking for a game to keep them coming back for more, with dozens of side missions, and at least a double ending, with side missions per your decisions, Infamous 2 will definitely keep you coming back for more. But don't take my word for it, give it a try for yourself, or at least rent it. Trust me, I don't think that you will be disappointed. Hopefully this will go down in gaming history as one of the most innovative way to not only do an open world title, but how to redefine the super hero gaming genre.

Don't get me wrong the game isn't leaps and bounds of perfection, it has a few quirks, but only a few, bottom line, its great, its fun,..and ELECTRIFYING!!! To say the least.