inFamous 2 isn't perfect. But it is a sequel that improves on its predecessor in almost every way. Better graphics, improved gameplay, bigger boss fights, and bigger badder attacks. This is what I wanted out of a sequel to one of my favorite PS3 games. The game is gorgeous, some of the best graphics you can find, and a huge improvement over the first game. The basics of the game play are pretty unchanged, they have just been polished so that now the control scheme feels even more intuitive and easy to learn. The story is exactly what you should expect out of a game like this, its a comic book story through and through. I think the GS reviewer got too hung up on the story and didn't take a step back and look at the game as a whole. If you don't like comic book story lines then you probably won't like this story very much but that doesn't affect how much fun it is to glide along electric wires and jump, climb, and glide your way around New Marais. And here's the interesting part, the novelty of the game hasn't worn off, it is still just as much fun as the first game with better graphics and gameplay. The addition of the mission editor that they put in the game adds so much to do if you don't like the story, and blasting baddies in this game just makes you feel like a BAMF. All in all I'd say gamespot got this review wrong, and looking at other critics and user reviews I'd say most agree with me, and I would give this game a solid 8.75 out of 10.
Right off the bat, inFamous 2 is an amazing game, and if you liked inFamous at all, you should play the newest iteration. I'm going to delve a little deeper into why this game is better than the first, and why I don't un... Read Full Review
Infamous 2 DOES suffer from slight issues which were present in the original but nothing which would detract from the overall experience one bit! In short, the game looks superb: 1. Movement and plat-forming is more fl... Read Full Review