infamous 2 takes place 1 month after the the first game. The beast the creature your alternate self Kessler prophecied at the end on infamous as finally made its way to empire city and destroyed it. Cole Mcgrath his best friend Zeke and special Agent Kuo must now travel to New Marias and absorb 6 blast cores to use a device that could finally defeat the beast. The story is simple and straight forward and unlike the first game your not really guessing whats going to happen. Yhe story isn't great but nice side characters make it seem better than it actually is. Coles voice has been changed and its less gravelly and he has more of a personality. I miss the old voice actor but a new cole also seems to be a more like able Cole. Instead of voice changing Zekes personality has changed. He is much more helpful to Cole now even risking his life going undercover to spy on the militia,a reaper like group who "keep the peace". Though much more likable Zeke still has his moment where he just wants to relax and have a beer or chat up some ladies. But more people are interested in Cole than Zeke. People will come up to you on the street or you come to them to assist you from stopping a gang war between the miltia and some very disturbing monsters to simply delivering medic supplies across new marias (but its never that easy is it). Gameplay wise the game is still great. Cole still has his standard bolts but later all you will have many more awesome abilities like freezing enemies in there tracks to sending a nice tornado of destruction. Nice as they are though lighting at times does not loo like lighting instead its a blob of energy. enemies crackle realistically when hit and each time you hit them you see there bones and it sounds amazing but some powers you wouldn't know where lighting if they came didn't tell you it was. Its a small complaint but it deters from the realism that infamous 1 had. Though some things are made MORE realistic in infamous 2. Coles running animation is better looking but he runs slightly slower but thats not a problem. climbing buildings still look great and again slightly slower but electric poles do increase parkouring notable faster. climbing is always a joy in infamous 2 since the city is very lively and much better looking than empire city. though it is smaller there are many more things to do in New marias in karma based choices. Will you let the protester keep talking sh** about you or silence them ? Will you intervene in a mugging or let the militia do there thing ? its all up to you and both evil and good have their own endings,missions and powers so you'll have to beat the game twice to see everything. Though the story is slightly shorter than the first the game is harder mostly because you can't upgrade coles health this time around. you are under powered so expect to be running out of a fight to go recharge yourself. Tom Mcshea criticized this a lot but rather and made it seem like the worst thing in the world while the first game had the same problem. get hit screen turns black and grey recharge. its not THAT hard and if it is there's always a difficulty settings. Sucker Punch made Cole less strong i suppose for a challenge (infamous 1 was easy) but since there's a difficulty bar making Cole under powered. I'll finish this up by listing some glitches with the game. they're are hit detection issues if enemies are bunched up together Cole can become stuck in objects. The new dead drop system is poor since its hard to tell what level of height the birds are on and they are difficult to spot (though not impossible) Karma glitches accour such as good actions leading to evil karma and vise versa. though this game is still excellent and better than infamous 1 no questions asked. thought the story isn't amazing and some problems from the first still linger this game must be bought if you enjoyed the first
Right off the bat, inFamous 2 is an amazing game, and if you liked inFamous at all, you should play the newest iteration. I'm going to delve a little deeper into why this game is better than the first, and why I don't un... Read Full Review
Infamous 2 DOES suffer from slight issues which were present in the original but nothing which would detract from the overall experience one bit! In short, the game looks superb: 1. Movement and plat-forming is more fl... Read Full Review